Breakdown/bad weather policy

Though owners work hard to maintain their cars to a high standard, breakdowns do happen. Modern cars rarely let us down. That was not the case in the Fifties, Sixties and Seventies! Add on a few hundred thousand kms and some of our cars do breakdown! In the last calendar year, we had over 500 hire days and had to call out the breakdown service on 25 occasions. 10 of those required a tow and the others were fixed at the roadside. There are also some occasions where the car breaks down a few days prior to your hire, such that it is not available.

There are also occasions when owners have urgent family issues or where they will not allow their cars to go out due to very bad weather, whether wet, windy or hot.

Our policy is:

1. Where your choice of car is not available for you to collect due to family issues, breakdown or weather, we will issue you with a credit for the amount you have paid in the form of a gift voucher, valid for 3 years and fully exchangeable and transferable.
2. Where you are not able to complete a hire due to a breakdown, we will issue you with a pro rata credit for the amount you have paid in the form of a gift voucher, valid for 3 years and fully exchangeable and transferable. The amount will be pro rated based on the percentage of your completed hire hours .

If those options are not practical for you (hires for special days, holidays etc.), then breakdown/bad weather insurance is available when you book at a rate of 15% of the total hire fee. This will entitle you to a full refund (excluding the 15% insurance fee), should your chosen car not be available or you have not been able to complete a hire due to a breakdown.